Lab128 - Tools for Advanced Oracler Tuning and Monitoring.
Reference Guide.
The LongOps window is very useful for tracking the progress of long running operations.
It takes data from v$session_longops and presents the most recent records, showing the percentage of completed work with a progress bar.
Viewing options.
The length of the shown history can be changed in "Records updated during last NNN min."
This option filters out records with an age bigger than amount of minutes specified.
Descriptions of the columns.
N - Instance ID / Node number (RAC only) (gv$session_longops.INST_ID);
SID - Session ID (v$session_longops.SID);
SERIAL# - Session serial number (v$session_longops.SERIAL#);
USERNAME- Session user name (v$session.USERNAME);
OPNAME - Brief description of the operation (v$session_longops.OPNAME);
TARGET - The object on which the operation is carried out (v$session_longops.TARGET);
SOFAR - The units of work done so far (v$session_longops.SOFAR);
TOTALWORK - The total units of work (v$session_longops.TOTALWORK);
UNITS - Session serial number (v$session_longops.SERIAL#);
Completed,% - The progress of operation in percents (derived as v$session_longops.SOFAR / v$session_longops.TOTALWORK);
Elapsed,s - The number of elapsed seconds from the start of operations (v$session_longops.ELAPSED_SECONDS);
Remain,s - Estimate (in seconds) of time remaining for the operation to complete (v$session_longops.TIME_REMAINING);
UPDATED - Time when statistics last updated (v$session_longops.LAST_UPDATE_TIME);